

Product Name Agarose
Types S homologous reagent
Form powder
CAS NO 9012-36-6
Producer China
Application molecular biology
Purity BioReagent, for molecular biology, low EEO
Storage RT
Recertification 5Years
Synonyms Agarose - SG88490-100G
Level for molecular biology
Exogenous active site DNase, RNase, none detected
Impurity <=10% moisture content
Trace anion  sulfate (SO42-): <=0.15%
Transition temperature gel point 34.5 ‐ 37.5ºC (1.5% gel, +/- 1.5 C)
EEO 0.09-0.13
Gel strength >=1200 g/cm2 (1% gel)

Analysis consideration.
The following are the properties related to our agarose: sulfate content-used as an indicator of purity because sulfate is the main ionic group present. Gel strength-the force that needs to be applied to the gel to break it. Gel point-the temperature at which a gel is formed when an aqueous agarose solution is cooled. Agarose solutions show hysteresis in the liquid-gel transition-in other words, their gel points are not equal to their melting temperatures. Electroosmosis (EEO)-the movement of a liquid through a gel. The anion groups in agarose gel can not move when attached to the matrix, but the dissociable anti-Heng cations can migrate to the cathode in the matrix and produce EEO. Since the electrophoretic movement of biopolymers is usually toward the anode, EEO can destroy the separation due to internal convection.

General description.
Agar belongs to galactosome polysaccharides, which constitute the intracellular matrix of red algae (seaweeds) in the phylum of red algae. Agar is naturally sulfated and is a complex mixture of polysaccharides. Agarose is a neutral polymer component of Agar. Heating agarose produces a solution form, which forms a gel form when cooled. The gel is formed because the molecular chain forms a double helix, thus forming a network of fixed water.

Routine use of agarose is ideal for routine analysis of nucleic acids by gel electrophoresis or imprinting (Northern or Southern), and is also suitable for protein applications such as Ouchterlony (two-way diffusion) and radioimmunodiffusion (RID). It has low ethidium bromide and SYBR Green background staining. Low EEO agarose can effectively prevent the spread of DNA bands and improve the resolution. At the same time, low EEO agarose was used for DNA electrophoresis recovery, which avoided the adverse effects on the subsequent DNA connection and PCR because of its low sulfate content.

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SG47902-10G 10G 39.6
SG47902-50G 50G 102.6